‘New’ Year : Just another passing fad or an occasion to reinvent oneself ?!

… And another year disappears into the winds of time while we are busy rolling the red carpet for a new one! In the meanwhile, have you chalked out something really ‘new’ for the coming year? Or is it just the same old plans of same old life with just a fresh tag of  ‘NEW’? Coming to think of it, the idea of New Year for most people is celebrating the onset of another calendar in the most bizarre-yet-futile ways, making/breaking/renewing resolutions or churn the memory through the kaleidoscope of  bygone year, all of which are ephemeral and fade away silently within a few weeks.

But, has it ever occurred to you that the New year can be a doorway for an entirely new ‘You’?  What if you turn this time of the year into that ‘one fine day’ you have been perpetually deferring for long, to pursue that new hobby,  to fuel that new found passion or to simply explore some new facets of yourself ?! Oh yes, the strides may be uncertain, the trails may be unwritten, the summit may be unseen, but there’s no harm in giving it a candid attempt. After all, the most accomplished  journeys  in the world are those with the utmost peaks and valleys with no sight of the plateau! You never know, you could leave behind an inspirational pathway or a great learning curve. In either case, however, you would have unveiled some unknown depths of your own personality in unfathomable ways. So, take the plunge and get into the groove … invigorate those new thoughts, enliven those new dreams, give new wings to your imagination, get your hands and mind at all the good you’ve never done before!

But, as mush as each one of us badly want to embrace these new inklings, how do we go about it practically? My encounters with life have made me realize that all this springs up from prudently moulding our thought process into a new mindset, living each day with a fresh new attitude, by looking at life from a whole new perspective and tapping the new realms of our own being. Yes, you got it right… the jumpstart towards the real ‘new’ has to and will always begin from within. That’s when you discover the true definition of ‘NEW’ ! That’s when what seemed like just a mere word so far translates itself into an actually new experience, that’s when your twinkling eyes flash a new sparkle, that’s when the mundane life breathes a new breeze of fresh air …. And that is when the ‘New Year‘ has actually served its purpose of reinventing you! So, make this New Year all about ‘becoming’ new rather than ‘doing’ something new…. and the rest will simply follow.

Here’s wishing all of you a Zestful, Happy and a New Year in its truest sense !

NY Poem

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